B illions of people on Earth have a beloved pet in their lives, but the vast majority of those pets are dogs and cats.
Red grouse is endemic across Britain and Ireland, being a different species from willow ptarmigan. The males exhibit striking red colouration with prominent combs attached to their faces.
Early one morning, licensed wildlife rehabilitator Belinda Henton was making her rounds in the annual albino squirrel count ...
Grey squirrels, or Eastern grey squirrels, primarily live in the Eastern half of the U.S. and southern Canada. There is also a healthy population in the U.K., where they were imported in the 19th ...
A marine animal caught unintentionally by commercial fishing gear is known as bycatch. Dolphins trapped in nets targeting ...
UNC Greensboro researcher Bryan McLean helped identify a new species of squirrel. How he and collaborators found the Snake ...
There are hundreds of squirrel species around the world and five in Pennsylvania: Eastern Gray Squirrel American Red Squirrel Fox Squirrel Northern Flying Squirrel Southern Flying Squirrel The ...
A marine animal caught unintentionally by commercial fishing gear is known as bycatch. Dolphins trapped in nets targeting ...
These squirrels are not albinos, but rather a variant of the eastern gray squirrel ... “In addition to White Squirrel Day, these cute animals are celebrated each May during White Squirrel ...