Nevertheless, one of the most commonly recommended ingredients to enhance the taste of cucumber soup is... honey. Used ...
If you've just finished a long shift, are exhausted and fancy something quick and simple for lunch with ingredients you'll have in your cupboard, try Jimmy Garcia's warming soup. Fry the onions ...
Ready-prepared butternut squash can be bought from supermarkets and makes this soup even quicker to prepare. The soup can be vegan if you leave out the honey or replace with a vegan friendly ...
Creamy soup made out of radishes, spring onion, celery and vegetable stock, topped up with luscious cream made of tofu, orange juice and honey.
This easy, creamy parsnip soup is made extra-filling with the addition of chunky croûtons. Start with the basic 4-ingredient recipe, and take it from there. Add the gruyère if you want a touch ...