The Lake Gaston Weed Control Council unanimously approved the Pete Deschenes Lake Gaston Stakeholders’ Technical Advisory ...
Volunteers from One Rake at a Time and the City of Dunnellon helped cleanup the swimming area at Dunnellon City Beach on Thursday, March 6.
The Lake Gaston Weed Control Council approved the Pete Deschenes Lake Gaston Stakeholders Board Technical Advisory Group’s recommendations for lyngbya and hydrilla treatments for this year. However, t ...
Volunteers from One Rake at a Time and the city of Dunnellon recently partnered to help clean up the swimming area at the ...
For decades, water managers have treated the lake with expensive herbicides and mechanical harvesting of hydrilla, an invasive aquatic plant that crowds out native species and clogs boat propellers.
Connecticut awarded $400,000 to 12 projects that will reduce the impacts of aquatic invasive species on inland waters in the state.
For decades, water managers have treated the lake with expensive herbicides and mechanical harvesting of hydrilla, an invasive aquatic plant that crowds out native species and clogs boat propellers.