Șeful NATO vrea să îl convingă pe Donald Trump să faciliteze accesul europenilor la sistemele de arme americane ...
Șeful diplomației turce a ameninţat marţi cu lansarea unei „operaţiuni militare” împotriva forţelor kurde din Siria, dacă ...
Albumul celebrului tren Orient Express, în care puteai traversa odinioară întreaga Europă într-un lux desăvârșit, este, fără îndoială, una dintre cele frumoase cărți care mi-au trecut prin mână în anu ...
It’s been almost four years since the NCAA decided that college students could make money from their name, image and likeness (NIL). Since then, the NIL market has exploded. Students can ink ...
The name, image and likeness (NIL) market for student-athletes has seen unprecedented growth since its inception in 2021. According to Opendorse, an athlete marketplace and NIL technology company ...
Primăvara este momentul perfect pentru a evada din rutina zilnică și a explora noi destinații. Fie că visezi la orașe pline ...
It was not until earlier this week that six of his former players sued Hamilton for unpaid NIL compensation worth $1.5 million dollars. Hamilton has a 37-year career, including being FSU's ...
The ongoing debate surrounding NIL (Name, Image, and Likeness) agreements took another turn this season, and UNLV found itself at the center of the conversation. While headlines have been ...
Presa din SUA a reacționat la scurt timp după ce David Popovici a vorbit despre condițiile mizere pe care le are în România.
A group of former Florida State Seminoles basketball players filed a groundbreaking lawsuit against their former coach, Leonard Hamilton, over unpaid promises of NIL compensation that reaches a ...
Why the sudden success? Substantial improvements in Name, Image, Likeness (NIL) money. Without a system in place to financially compensate players when NIL hit the NCAA in 2021, the Gophers had to ...
Six former Florida State basketball players filed a lawsuit Monday against their former coach, Leonard Hamilton, over unpaid promises of NIL compensation that total $1.5 million and acknowledged ...