The Ardennes Offensive, commonly known as the "Battle of the Bulge," stands as the single bloodiest battle fought by the United States during World War II. Waged in the bitter cold of mid-December ...
A look at the effects of World War II on California and its lasting impact. Every American was impacted by the Dec. 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor. The entrance of the U.S. in World War II had ...
Surprisingly little is known in the West about the role of Central Asia in World War II. This scholarly but thoroughly ...
Impact Link The USS Cobia ... and painstakingly restored to offer visitors an authentic look into its World War II combat service. The USS Cobia sank 16,835 tons of shipping during the war ...
Two Nebraska men were honored Thursday in Omaha as part of an initiative to recognize all of the state's living World War II veterans.
Holocaust books are among those caught up in an Iowa book ban law. Meanwhile, schools are now required to teach about the ...
Nassau County is set to remember the end of World War II 80 years ago with a number of celebrations.
Mark Kinsler reflects on a cardboard tube that was a case for a mortar round and is reminded that the WWII generation didn't always tell their stories ...
Rose Bowl has become a symbol of American unity during World War II—but the game included no Black players and few Black fans ...