The U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development spent more than $2.7 billion in Wisconsin over the past four years, ...
Hoosiers eager to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence next year can now purchase a special commemorative license plate for their vehicle. The ...
Experts say social-emotional learning strategies are available for teachers to help students become more independent.
Despite renewed calls for Notre Dame to join a conference in recent weeks, Bevacqua says the Fighting Irish are comfortable ...
Jan. 9 (UPI) --A Wisconsin woman who stabbed a classmate in the 2014 "Slender Man" case will be released from a mental health facility, a court ruled Thursday. Morgan Geyser, now 22, was 12 and ...
More than 6,000 prisoners have been released in Myanmar as part of an amnesty to mark the 77th anniversary of the country's independence from Britain. The head of Myanmar's military government has ...
Bangladesh Rewriting Textbooks on 1971 War: The Bangladesh interim government has revised textbooks on the 1971 Liberation War to state that Ziaur Rahman declared the country’s independence, replacing ...
Bangladesh revises textbooks to remove exaggerated historical content Ziaur Rahman's role in 1971 independence to be highlighted Textbooks from grades four to nine are being revised, grades one to ...
KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Dr. Troy Sawyer is ringing in the new year by celebrating a big win on Wheel of Fortune. Sawyer won a grand total of $86,850 and a trip to the British Virgin Islands.
Some rates use different ages or coverage limits. Erie offers the best combination of affordable rates and great customer service in Wisconsin. Wisconsin drivers should also compare quotes from State ...
The new textbooks for primary and secondary students will now state that Ziaur Rahman declared the independence of Bangladesh in 1971. Earlier, the books mentioned that Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur ...