Larsen, MDThe pupil is the opening located in the center of the iris of the eye. It controls the amount of light that enters ...
Medically reviewed by Christine L. Larsen, MD Medications, trauma, and medical conditions can lead to abnormally small pupils ...
Engineers at MIT have devised an ingenious new way to produce artificial muscles for soft robots that can flex in more than ...
The part that we can see is only just the front. That coloured circle is called the iris and the black spot in the middle is the pupil. This is the part of the eye that lets the light in.
MIT engineers have made a breakthrough in this area—they’ve developed a method to grow muscle tissue that contracts in ...
It's caused by inflammation in the uvea, a layer of tissue just inside the outer white part of your eye. The uvea is made up of a layer of blood vessels, a muscular ring that surrounds your pupil ...
Pupillometry measures the size and reactivity of the pupil, the dark circle at the eye’s centre through which light enters. Typically, the pupil contracts and dilates depending on the amount of ...
Whatever light is not absorbed on this return trip passes out of the eye the same way it came in—through the pupil. The presence of the tapetum can be observed at night when a pair of glowing ...
round dome covering the eye's iris and pupil — or in the shape of the eye's lens, which causes blurry vision. After cataract surgery, astigmatism may increase the patient’s dependence on glasses.
If this light-activated stuff works, it could make building robots easier - or make lazing about under the Sun quite a ...