Contesting against three male candidates, Kuenzang Choden, 32, won 244 out of 806 votes in the bye-election held last month, to become the first female gup of Korphu gewog in Trongsa. began Punakha ...
Pakistani TV actor opened up about his reluctance to work in television dramas during an episode of Samaa TV’s show Gup Shab, hosted by Vasay Chaudhary 1 year ago ...
Tilaa Kaleva – löydä sinulle sopivin vaihtoehto tästä Tilaajille Ou­lun­sa­lo­lai­nen Jouko Koskelo menetti lin­nun­lau­lut jo ar­mei­jas­sa, mutta sin­nit­te­li huo­no­ne­van kuulon kanssa ...