A changing of the guard for its busing is bringing about new changes for the Kewaunee School District next year.
CINCINNATI (WKRC) - The name and brand for Cincinnati Metro's upcoming Bus Rapid Transit system has been unveiled.
Rochester’s public transit (RPT) routes. It’s a $143-million two-year project for the Link Rapid Bus transit (BRT) system in ...
The RapidRide I Line will replace the current Route 160, which currently runs between Auburn Station and downtown Renton. The ...
Metro Rapid seeks federal funding for its $339 million project. The electric buses are quieter than gasoline-powered ones.
The district approved new schedules, busses and sidewalks to increase pedestrian safety.
It was surprising to see The Columbian’s Editorial Board once again try to justify light rail because of “diesel-spewing buses” (“Closely reexamine funding options for light rail,” In Our View, Feb. 4 ...