Whenever it comes, if you’re a parent, you’ll probably hear it eventually: “I hate school!” Children often go through a phase of not liking school and not wanting to go, and that’s ...
When The Youngest Child Hates School. Subscribe or Fortnite Kid will crank 90s on you! <a href="https://www.youtube.com/@HewMoran">https://www.youtube.com/@HewMoran ...
The school asked her to provide them with documentation that they live in the district and despite providing it, they still kicked her kids out.
The suggestion that our schools teach children to “hate our country” is not only false, but it is a blatant insult to the extraordinary dedication, care and expertise you bring to your school ...
An open letter to all public school teachers, administrators, and staff: As a pastor, a parent of three and a former public school ...