Horský resort Dolní Morava, zábavní park ve stínu hory Králický Sněžník, chystá další rozšíření. Rozvoj kdysi okrajové ...
The Rust Belt describes the region from New York through the Midwest that was once dominated by the coal industry, steel production, and manufacturing. What Is the Rust Belt? The Rust Belt is a ...
Migrace je tématem nového dílu podcastu Terezy Matějčkové. Kolik přijatých cizinců lze úspěšně včlenit do společností tak, aby nevzniklo společenské napětí, které vyústí v podporu populistických stran ...
Soaked floors after hitting a puddle. These are signs the iron worm has been hard at work: rust. Otherwise fine cars are routinely sent to early graves because they become rusty cars, even though ...
Rust, a modern and notably more memory-safe language than C, once seemed like it was on a steady, calm, and gradual approach into the Linux kernel. By late 2024, however, Rust enthusiasts were ...
Final update Some Linux kernel maintainers remain unconvinced that adding Rust code to the open source project is a good idea, but its VIPs are coming out in support of the language's integration. In ...
Connect with him on X (@gadget_ry), Bluesky (@gadgetry.bsky.social), and/or Mastodon (@[email protected]) The Rust programming language has reached another milestone with the release of 1.85.0 ...
V zámoří v pondělí slaví Den Martina Luthera Kinga a program NHL se tak rozjel už večer evropského času. Boston zvládl domácí duel proti San Jose, pořádně se ale nadřel. Dva body za gól a asistenci si ...
gdext is a library to integrate the Rust language with Godot 4. Godot is an open-source game engine, focusing on a productive and batteries-included 2D and 3D experience. Its GDExtension API allows ...
Visit the demo running on the web to experience the smoothness and delightfulness that comes from the combination of Flutter and Rust. You can also dive into the example code. Of course, the opposite ...