The North Carolina Supreme Court dismissed on Wednesday a request by the trailing candidate in an extremely close race for a ...
Emotions were high on Wednesday during a debate over the legality of ballot drop boxes, with Secretary of State Chuck Gray ...
The rule in question impacts mail-in voters in Pennsylvania, who are required to place their completed ballot in a secrecy ...
I do not know of a single judge, anywhere, who wants an election to be decided based on their ruling on a disputed provision ...
From unemployment to call centers, the governor provided her rationale for rejecting over a dozen bills passed by Democrats ...
Advocates for election integrity trying to tighten the residency requirement in South Dakota’s voter-registration law are ...
Blind and partially sighted people are being left "humiliated" and unsure they have voted correctly because of a lack of ...
The complaints dealt with the counting of votes from deceased voters and partisan comments from a Republican election ...
The bill would require law enforcement to detain immigrants without legally status arrested for crimes such as theft and ...
OPINION People who aren’t from New Jersey have a lot of unfair things to say about our state.  They make jokes about ...
A South Dakota judge denied an election group’s appeal to compel the Charles Mix County Commission to place an ...
The N.C. Supreme Court is weighing whether to toss out more than 60,000 ballots cast in the race for a seat on that tribunal.