In Michigan, third-grade students are struggling with literacy, which is concerning since this grade is considered a critical ...
Ron Coleman ’25 co-founded the New Haven Counts tutoring nonprofit in 2018. A grant from New Haven in 2023 has helped the ...
A third myth is that rural students underachieve. As a result, their academic success is too often overlooked by researchers and educators.
Knox County Schools students' ACT college entrance exam scores improved slightly over the previous year, according to data ...
The Richmond community has pleaded for more funds to rebuild the school for years. Not until a lawsuit was filed and asbestos ...
We have certainly seen a handful of games this and last season where shooting variance from beyond the arc sunk the Celtics ...
Benchmark assessments for 2023-24 show gaps in the state’s highest and lowest performing students are still likely wider than ...
The Golden LEAF Foundation grant would be for things like coaching for teachers, new curriculum, tutoring, career development for students and bonuses for principals who meet certain metrics.
Experts in the schools of Education and Engineering hope to give teachers a way to improve instruction using AI.