"It can also have negative impacts when applied improperly." Expert shares video warning against common landscaping trend: ...
Many Americans living in rural areas are familiar with the narrative. Homeowner concerned by problematic landscaping trend ...
• Applied to depth of 4 inches, mulch suppresses weeds by blocking sunlight from reaching the soil. Too much mulch, though, ...
When used properly, organic mulch can provide numerous benefits for garden beds and landscapes. When used improperly, mulch ...
Finally, regardless of your mulch of choice, please, no mulch volcanoes around the base of trees and no more than 2-inches of ...
Finally, regardless of your mulch of choice, please, no mulch volcanoes around the base of trees and no more than 2-inches of mulch on any bed. Either one earns an immediate Flagrant-1 foul call!
just don't mound it up directly against the trunk into a "mulch volcano." That invites moisture and decay. "The organisms that break down mulch start working on the bark, too," says John. To determine ...
What is mulch? It is simply material you use to cover the surface of the soil in your garden beds. Generally people use ...
Finally, regardless of your mulch of choice, please, no mulch volcanoes around the base of trees and no more than 2-inches of mulch on any bed. Either one earns an immediate Flagrant-1 foul call!