A Russian court on Wednesday upheld a life sentence for a man convicted of seriously injuring the pro-Kremlin writer Zakhar Prilepin by blowing up his car in 2023.
It comes after the new Syrian government terminates a 49-year lease on the base the Kremlin brokered with the Bashar al-Assad ...
Russian strikes continue to target Ukrainian cities at high intensity causing significant damage to property and ...
Trump threatens Putin with ending war ‘the hard way’ unless he makes a peace deal - Russia said it would have to see what a ...
Putin finds himself in an ‘emperor-has-no-clothes’ moment, and the regime is destroying the country ‘by not making a deal.’ ...
Russia seems to be using drone attacks on civilians to train young pilots, says a Ukrainian lawmaker with ties to Ukraine's ...
A bitter and bloody war in Ukraine has devastated the country, further isolated Russia from the West and fueled economic insecurity around the world. Ukrainian forces described a different kind ...