Parts of central and southern Ohio are set to be invaded by a constant din this year. Brood XIV of cicadas is set to hatch ...
This measure comes in response to an infestation of the species, which poses significant threats to homeowners, parks, and ...
Box tree moths are one of those insects that you're more likely to notice in the spring. They are considered an invasive species and originate from Asia. Sign up for our Newsletters They were first ...
Several Miami Valley counties are under a quarantine to prevent the spread of an invasive insect. Starting today, Miami, ...
A decade after the emergence of beech leaf disease (BLD) in northeast Ohio, a new study by researchers at The Holden ...
Perennial plants such as trees, shrubs and herbaceous ... the following spring and summer. Some insects are simply unaffected by even our coldest Ohio winters because they can protect themselves ...
On Cincinnati Edition, our experts are here with early spring gardening advice. We’ll discuss tree trimming, protecting ...
Several states – including South Carolina and Ohio – have moved to ban the sale ... branches or just the sight of them everywhere bugs you, here's what you need to know about Bradford pear trees and ...
Due to under-investment and invasive tree pests, Dayton's tree cover has shrunk over the last 20 years. But some local ...