IT’S getting hot in here, or at least it is in the UK. With weather set to hit highs of 21 degrees this week, we’re on hand ...
Claims that a landlord offered takeaway vouchers for positive comments on a planning application are under investigation.
Peacehaven and Teslcombe beat Wick 5-1 to maintain their push for a Southern Combination premier division play-off spot.
The burly 18-year-old heavyweight, who is making a big impact on the grappling scene, is set to clash with Premier Wrestling ...
Residents are living in fear after vandals with rocks and bricks “ran rampage” through their town. Several Peacehaven residents reported having rocks thrown at their windows in the early hours of ...
A Brighton bus driver who was caught four times over the alcohol limit while driving passengers has avoided jail. A passenger ...
Graffiti resembling a Nazi swastika has appeared at a bus stop. The graffiti was spotted at the Linchmere Avenue stop in ...
Brighton and Hove could grow to include Shoreham or the whole of Saltdean – and possibly Telscombe Cliffs, Peacehaven and ...
Brighton and Hove could grow to include Shoreham or the whole of Saltdean – and possibly Telscombe Cliffs, Peacehaven and ...
Lord Ivar Mountbatten, 61, who has starred in season three of Traitors in the US told Town & Country that her last name is ...
Doors open at 6.30pm for 7pm start. Bring own snacks & drinks. Tickets must be purchased before the event from the ...
Those with a fear of heights may want to avoid the 'Transformers' director's portrait of the gravity-defying athletes, though ...