Certain smells are incredibly repulsive to these pests, particularly some types of plants and herbs, which can be quickly grown or placed near suspected rat colonies. Mint, chamomile, tansy ...
The biggest rat colonies in the city are found in rundown structures on or near the waterfront, especially in tenements, live-poultry markets, wholesale produce markets, slaughterhouses ...
Several dozen rats live together in colonies led by one dominant rat—the queen. As in some insect species, the queen is the only naked mole rat female to breed and bear young. Worker animals dig ...
Chicago has been named the “rattiest” city for 10 years running, according to pest control company Orkin, and efforts to ...
"Rats are territorial and live in hierarchical societies, thus migrants may not be accepted into established colonies which would limit (but not preclude) mating opportunities, and may also limit ...