Broken Bow, NE Auctioneer: Jesse Bolin Sales Manager: Inovation Ag Marketing Averages:69 Yearling Red Angus Bulls – $5,19423 ...
At the farm near Brookings, SD Auctioneer: Seth Weishaar Sales Manager: Seth Leachman Averages111 Yrlng Bulls – $10,35415 Reg Open Hfrs – $18,70054 ...
Bovines are not often thought of as family pets, but in some cases they are treasured and profitable, Tim Unruh writes.
Nidderdale husband and wife, Rob and Sarah Marshall, Dacre, not only stood worthy champions, but also set a new record high ...
Eight talented young Australian beef producers are ready to take on all comers in the Zoetis World Angus Youth Competition in ...
This requires some cattle that are forage developed and low input, which is an area Luhman continues to test his registered Red Angus cattle. “So worst case scenario we should be selling our ...
Angus Australia has nominated two teams of four, and they will come up against some fierce competition from teams ...
Although EPDs are only comparable within breed, producers can utilize the Across-Breed EPD Table to accurately compare bulls ...
FOUR Ogonnelloe secondary school students are “mooving” in the right direction to create a new mobile app that would reduce ...
Introduced in 1965, the USDA Yield Grade system has not been updated since its release even though cattle and technologies ...
Mark Dennis, a Hollis, Okla. man, was arrested March 12 at his residence on felony charges for larceny of livestock following an investigation by Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association ...
Cattle trade continues apace at CCM Skipton, the latest fortnightly midweek sale producing solid returns across all sectors, notably for young feeding bulls, which moved to yet another level when ...