Analysis: Irish freely adopted Latin vocabulary during the Christianisation of the country, especially to describe religion, education and daily life Latin was the language of the Romans, but it ...
He was laid to rest at the Reilig Mhuire cemetery. “Michael is much loved, hugely missed and always remembered,” his family said. People wishing to leave donations are asked to make them to ...
Aistreofar a chorp tráthnóna Dé Céadaoin, ag teacht chun Eaglais na Maighdine Muire agus Naomh Dáithí ag 7.00 i.n. Beidh an tsochraid ar an Déardaoin tar éis aifrinn 10.00 r.n ag Reilig Naomh Peadar, ...
Thank you for supporting Ireland's best local journalism! THERE are just 30 grave plots left in Reilig Ide Naofa in Abbeyfeale but the search continues for a new graveyard site in the town.