Supplying Americans with eggs would be complicated for foreign producers — and not because of political tensions over the ...
It is common in parts of Europe for consumers to buy eggs that still have feathers and chicken poop stuck to them.
KK: For birds, keeping their plumage clean isn’t about good looks or vanity—it’s essential to their health. Feathers are ...
Songbirds such as Northern cardinals, blue jays or chickadees — the kind of birds that might visit bird feeders — can also ...
Bird and wildlife experts say it's fine to continue to feed songbirds as long as the feeders are kept clean and no local die-offs are observed.
Bird feeders are a fantastic and cost-effective option to preserve bird populations. With proper cleaning and care, bird ...
Follow our easy birdbath tips to create an inviting environment that welcomes all sorts of birds to stop for a drink and a ...
My mother fed birds in our backyard, which backed up to a nice woodland,” Greenfield resident Pat Serrentino, a lifelong bird ...
A new case of bird flu was reported in Maryland — the seventh known case but the first in central Maryland. The most recent ...