Apex predators attract a special kind of fascination; also called "super predators," they sit at the top of the food chain, unquestionably the most dominant members of the animal kingdom.
British marine biologist and photographer Richard Smith focuses his work on the ocean’s tiniest and weirdest creatures.
Elkhorn Slough is a 7-mile-long river in Monterey, California. Many animals, including seabirds, sea lions, shrimp, sharks, ...
Bọ biển, or “sea bugs,” are large isopods that have come to rival lobsters in “quality of the flesh” as a sought-after seafood delicacy. Often multiple pounds in weight, the insect-like deep-sea ...
The Galapagos is an outdoor destination—visitors are typically on boats, in the water, or hiking—so good weather is important ...
In the Lufubu River in Zambia, a “large”-mouthed fish known as Salzburg’s cichlid was identified as a new species. This fish, which has been popular among aquarium enthusiasts, was discovered to have ...
Those looking to assist residents affected by the Los Angeles County firestorm have a number of options to donate money, ...
A lack of understanding can no longer be used as an excuse for inaction. As the authors of the new study point out, ...
Some fascinating animals, including cephalopods like octopuses and squids, thrive without the ability to hear. Instead, they rely on their exceptional eyesight and sensitivity to water pressure ...
From charismatic macrofauna to tiny sea squirts, here are some species formally identified by scientists in 2024.
The deep sea is home to creatures with extraordinary features that help them survive extreme conditions. These animals have ...
The sea animal feasts on crabs, mussels, small fish and sea urchins. Stinging cells are found on its tentacles, which paralyze its prey. However, it’s safe for humans to touch sea anemones ...