At least 200 people gathered in Dayton on Thursday for a peace rally and march to protest gun violence. Police have reported ...
An annual march in support of the Second Amendment is happening Thursday outside the Michigan State Capitol in Lansing. The ...
An engineer who spent decades designing weapons for one of the world’s leading gun manufacturers testified Tuesday that the ...
Americans used to take for granted that one person's rights leave off when they start trampling on the rights of others.
Under the new rules, the student-led, pro-Palestine protest on a plot of land between ... community members to “exercise their First Amendment rights safely.” UVa spokesman Brian Coy denies ...
Of all the schisms that cleave contemporary America, few are more stark than the divide between those who consider themselves ...
In the Second Amendment, the language is quite different. It is not a protection of nor a prohibition against. It is a statement both of right and duty. The duty part is usually ignored. The Amendment ...
The Supreme Court is the final arbiter of the Constitution. Several of its rulings invalidated many points made in the Sept. 2letter “Excuses for guns unpersuasive.” There is no need to persuade ...
Georgia has charged the father of 14-year-old Colt Gray. Is that fair?
We attended a civil rights demonstration to picket the Chicago Real Estate Board to protest their practice of redlining ... Voting “yes” on Amendment 4 will enshrine in the Florida Constitution the ...
Abortion-rights and anti-abortion activists voice their opinions outside the Florida Supreme Court after the Court heard arguments on the proposed abortion amendment in February. Alicia Devine ...