A fundamental understanding of photosynthesis in nature is crucial for applied photosynthesis, which may well prove to play a key role in overcoming some of the greatest challenges that humankind is ...
X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency disease (X-SCID) is a rare genetic disorder characterized by profound defects in ...
A full-state feedback control law based on a hyperbolic sine function is developed such that the resulted closed-loop system can achieve two stable equilibria. By Lyapunov stability theory and ...
he would not be attending any of our club functions because the Bible condemns homosexuality as a sin, and his attendance would be tantamount to condoning sinful behavior. I’m not sure why he ...
So my first order of business was to hook up the ‘scope and see how it handles delivering a sine wave. The function generator is certainly more reliable than the USB screenshot feature on a ...
Executive function declines with age, but engaging in aerobic exercise may attenuate decline. One mechanism by which aerobic exercise may preserve executive function is through the up-regulation of ...