While UAE Team Emirates-XRG believes there is still room for growth in Tadej Pogacar’s physical and mental performance, the ...
In what week of the year did the riders from the top-100 start their season? The following barchart maps the number of times a rider started his season in this week for the last 5 years.
Shortly before picking up the Velo d’Or as the season’s standalone stand-out best rider, Tadej Pogacar told reporters that he hoped 2025 "will be even better". It’s quite hard to see how ...
Prihod na koncert v Slovenijo bo napovedala svetovna glasbena zvezda. * Na RTV Slovenija se bo znova zaiskrilo. * Tadej Pogačar bo še naprej prehiter za vse druge kolesarje. * Petrol bo želela kupiti ...
Mathieu Van Der Poel's winter calendar has been unveiled and the Dutch champion will focus entirely on the World Championships in France, where he wants to reach the record of seven victories held by ...
Tako je Colnago sledil svojemu največjemu tekmecu Pinarellu, ki se je že leta 2016 prodal grupaciji Louis Vuitton. Tadej Pogačar bo tudi letos dirkal s kolesom Colnago VR3RS. Colnago je prepričan, da ...