I have repaired many a VIC, C64, 128, and AMIGA. The chips were magic, and yes…those wizards are legends. I would have loved to apprentice there and learn the trade more fully.
Among those are the 1802, some 8-bit PICs, and the 6502 at the heart of the Commodore 64. That’s not to say you can’t make a C compiler for any of them, but the tricks required to handle the ...
This week at CES 2025, numerous major hardware announcements are being unveiled — but in the long history of CES, these ...
Well, that definitely doesn’t seem to be the case with the mythical Commodore 64, which is still up and running in a US bakery shop. If you’re not aware, the Commodore 64 is the highest ...
Two processors, four operating systems, and still no success: The Commodore 128 came too late and yet was technically ...
Best Buy is the only retailer with the N Edition joystick attachment, which is otherwise exclusive to the Commodore Edition ...
Acorn's software, not so much. In the vital US market, a different company dominated. In 2012, The Register called the ...
Commodore 64 devotee Side Projects Lab has released a video teaser showcasing a 'true Full-HD HDMI' adaptor for the iconic 8-bit home computer.
Just the other day, the internet saw a new post showing photos of Commodore 64 computers being used in a modern bakery as cash registers. The bakery was identified by users as Hilligoss Bakery in ...