A posthumous memoir by the Russian opposition leader Aleksei Navalny, which detailed his fight against autocracy and corruption in Russia and was published eight months after he died in prison, won a ...
Over the past three years of full-scale war, Ukraine’s cultural figures have shifted from focusing solely on their craft to ...
Episode 5 - Meaning In the Sound of Music, the former novice nun Maria, teaches the children the notes of the musical scale, only for one of them, Birgitta, to exclaim 'But it doesn't mean anything!' ...
Gallery Sliver Scapes & Dhoominal Gallery Price: Rs 5000/- A definitive tribute, ‘Bimal Das Gupta: An Ode to a Legend,’ ...
The title is apt. Again and again, Rabbi Steinmetz reminds his readers that life continues to go on, and, though changed forever, will eventually find a new equilibrium.
Throughout the pages of “One Little Goat,” Passover’s timeless resonance is powerfully conveyed — after all, we are still fighting the pharaohs of our age.
The trailblazing Harvard scientist, who documented the dominance of hydrogen and helium in stars, is still inspiring ...
Joining us today is Tamara Dean, an author who is working on her novel called Shelter and Storm: At Home in the Driftless.
My consciousness freshly raised and my mind spongier than ever, I spent my evenings imbibing the no-nonsense feminism of Vivian Gornick, the big-hearted feminism of bell hooks, the caustic feminism of ...
From the Middle Ages to Rousseau to the Industrial Revolution to Trotsky, historian Ralph Raico provides a refreshing ...
In “Changing My Mind,” the novelist Julian Barnes presents an argument for the joys of flexibility.
Join authors Michael Lewis and Barry Ritholtz for a special book talk discussion at Landmark on Main Street on April 7 ...