Nearly 20 years since Iraq created a new Constitution assuring that people of all religions and ethnicities would be ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate on Tuesday confirmed Dan Driscoll to be the next Army secretary, voting 66-28 to put the former ...
In 2003, a small coalition of countries led by the United States invaded Iraq, at the time ruled by the autocratic Saddam ...
Looking back at almost 20 years of Iraq War movies, the first thought that comes to mind is that Iraq War movies aren't really all that great.
Earlier this week, I was sworn in as your 26th Secretary of the United States Army ... War II as a decoder. My father served during Vietnam as an infantryman. And I fought as a cavalry scout in Iraq.
In 2011, Parris pleaded guilty to conspiracy to distribute cocaine and served five years in prison. After his release, ...
Senate Confirms Driscoll as Army Secretary, Putting an Iraq War Vet at the Helm WASHINGTON ... the privilege of wearing the uniform of the United States Army,” he said during the hearing.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate on Tuesday confirmed Dan Driscoll to be the next Army secretary, voting 66-28 to put the former soldier and Iraq War ... uniform of the United States Army ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate on Tuesday confirmed Dan Driscoll to be the next Army secretary, voting 66-28 to put the former soldier and Iraq War ... uniform of the United States Army ...