There aren’t a lot of ingredients in this beautiful slice, but it’s so full of flavour and crunch that it’ll become a fast favourite.
Even sillier. Innovation in Weet-Bix architecture may only be bounded by imagination, at least before milk tests the structural integrity of our fibrous whare. This design allows for 13 Weet-Bix ...
Of course, the amount and temperature of milk added will change things again so it is necessary to consult a higher authority. While generations of Kiwis have been raised on Weet-Bix, they do have ...
Milk was a respite from the coldness and isolation of the modern age. Newer conveniences such as canned condensed milk and milk delivery could save time and money, he acknowledged, but at a ...
Pera Hauraki from NSW, intrigued by the vertical method, expressed his willingness to give it a try, while also sharing his own unique Weet-Bix concoction involving brown sugar, hot water, and milk.
“How do you eat yours? I put my Weet-Bix vertically, which optimises each biscuit’s access to milk, ensuring a more balanced texture across the dish. She likes hers flat. Thoughts?” The man ...