Khan, who lives in Middlesex County with her two sons and husband, is the founder of World Hijab Day which encourages anyone and everyone to don a hijab and celebrate its meaning on Feb. 1.
There is a need for deliberate, inclusive strategies to bridge ethnic and racial cleavages and foster a more equitable and ...
Wednesday successfully moved for the state to officially recognize Lunar New Year. Rep. Wu took to the House floor to remind his colleagues that Lunar New Year may also be called Vietnamese New Year, ...
The debate on art and freedom overlooks the ways in which Charlie Hebdo perpetuated racist stereotypes against Muslims, who are vulnerable in French society.
What we need is true respect for different cultures to help bring people together. This isn't as easy as it sounds and requires determination and constant effort.
A new exhibition in London traces the evolution of tarot from Renaissance Italy to the present day, with the card designs shifting to reflect the times.