It would seem reasonable then that the newer and more technologically advanced a ship is, the more Y2K-compliant its systems would be. Unfortunately, that isn't always the case. Like manufacturers ...
While the rest of the world prepared to celebrate the Millennial year 2000, programmers quickly identified a problem with the ...
The planners' major concern, they said, is that people will overreact, causing shortages by buying huge amounts of food or gasoline.
By Jim Hughes Denver Post Staff Writer. Feb. 17 - If members of a state commission charged with assessing Colorado's Y2K preparedness are right, the ...
By acting now, businesses can not only safeguard their assets but also position themselves as leaders in an increasingly ...
Flash forward a decade and a half, and they are raising a 14-year-old, Alice (McKenna Roberts), who hates them, and a 12-year-old, Leo (Rylan Jackson), who is marginally more compliant and a big ...
The Company has achieved Y2K compliance for all its internal operations in December 1998. - The Company is dependent upon suppliers of critical materials and services, and also public utility ...