as well as the feeder cattle market.” “We’re nowhere near done with this thing,” says Peel “We had a tremendous runup in prices in 2023. And you can look at the setup last year ...
The US beef industry is set for another year of strong market performance, driven by tight cattle supplies and strong consumer demand. As the beef cowherd stabilizes after years of contraction, supply ...
We're sharing some Smart Farming features to help you be more efficient with your reproduction and cow herd management.
In the poultry industry, when a bird flock becomes infected, "you have to actually put the whole flock to death," Pekosz said. For dairy cattle, the detection of just one infection in a herd means ...
When you're done exploring, stop by the on-site cafe or the gift shop to purchase fair-trade wares. Multiple previous travelers said Heifer International is a wonderful place to visit. They said ...
An entry of 90 cull cows at Markethill on Tuesday 11th March maintained a very strong trade. Cow/heifers sold up to £351 for ...