Natural killer cell deficiency should be considered in patients susceptible to herpes virus or papillomavirus with persistently decreased NK cell function.
My medical degree and conversations with doctors helped me understand why it makes sense for adolescents to be vaccinated, ...
Seegene Inc., a global leader in total solution for PCR molecular diagnostics, presented its high-precision Human ...
Presented a roadmap to enhance screening reliability at the world's leading multidisciplinary HPV congress held in Portugal ...
Increasing HPV vaccination rates could help decrease the number of cancer cases “attributable to HIV,” according to data from a study presented at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic ...
Gardasil 9 is the HPV vaccine that prevents the most dangerous strains of the virus. Since HPV spreads through intimate ...
Unbeknownst to most people, cervical cancer, once a leading cause of death among women, is one of the only two preventable ...
Nearly half of respondents did not know about the prevalence, risks, or symptoms of HPV, especially as it pertains to men.
The HPV vaccine, called Gardasil-9 — which has no live virus and is completely non-infectious — protects against the six types of HPV most likely to cause cancer, Eckert says. (These are strains 6, 11 ...
Nobody complains that we have more cancer medicines available today than in the 1980s. Why should we complain about having ...