California wildflower blooms aren’t expected to be as big this year, but there’s an easy action you could take to help other ...
Researchers at UC Riverside found that raking away thatch helps native flora grow. Thatch is a layer of tan plant material ...
A report by the Wyoming Weed and Pest Council revealed the current and future agricultural and economic losses caused and ...
About a half dozen researchers were let go last month from the Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center in La Crosse, a U.S. Geological Survey site. The center produces key research about ...
Users of the iNaturalist app - scientists and park staff but also visitors and even kids - have logged 6,939 species in the Great Smoky Mountains.
Raw water transfers — where millions of gallons of water are moved from lakes, reservoirs, and rivers — could be spreading ...
Cuts to the federal workforce may threaten the health of the Great Lakes. Twelve U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service employees were fired in February, which directly impacts the viability of the Great ...
The invasive species, known for wreaking havoc on lakes and rivers across North America, has now made its way into the Permian Basin.
Brevard Schools Foundation, in partnership with Brevard Public Schools, is excited to highlight the success of the Strategic School Staffing and Teacher Leadership Grant, awarded through the ...
An invasive species is an introduced non-native organism that begins to spread or expand its range from an original ...
The Pennsylvania Invasive Replace-ive Program, an initiative that allows homeowners to remove invasive trees, is now open and active for the upcoming spring season.
Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service entomologist provides Australians with Texas-based expertise on eradicating fire ants.