Karissa Rund's mother died of breast cancer when Rund was just 11, and when she was 14, she survived the Columbine massacre.
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Karissa Rund, a Colorado woman who survived the Columbine High School shooting more than 25 years ago, passed away following ...
A community is coming together to grieve a Columbine shooting survivor who passed away from a 10-year battle with Stage 4 ...
Twin Girls Next Door stars Karissa and Kristina Shannon discussed dating Hugh Hefner, alleging they were diagnosed with chlamydia and PTSD as a result of the 18-month relationship Lanford Beard is ...
Instagram is letting friends double up on live steams. The app has introduced a new live streaming feature that allows two people to go live at the same time. The company began testing the feature ...
Instead, it detects motion and whether a face is in the video.” Karissa was Mashable's Senior Tech Reporter, and is based in San Francisco. She covers social media platforms, Silicon Valley ...