Pune police will launch the COP-24 system by mid-February to enhance policing, reduce response time to under 5 minutes, and improve safety through data-driven patrolling.
Medha has flagged errors in the detailed project report (DPR) and highlighted ecological issues such as shrinking riverbeds, debris dumping, and tree cutting. She has also lodged a complaint with Unio ...
Pune city recorded 93 murder cases as compared to 101 in 2023. Police data states that the city recorded 100 and 105 murder ...
A 40-year-old man from Dubai has tested positive for MPox in Karnataka, marking the state's first case this year. Health officials urge vigilance regarding symptoms and preventive measures as they ...
From whimsical wallpapers to wide open hallways, California-based architect Shreya Porey worked with the actress Aditi Bhatia to transform a 1,369-square-foot builder-grade apartment into a vibrant ye ...
Health department officials said that a 40-year-old man who had recently returned from Dubai tested positive for the Monkeypox virus, making it the first case in the state this year.
The 2013 manifestos of both Congress and BJP made an aspirational pitch; they started following AAP's playbook as it rode welfare plank to sweep 2015 and 2020 polls ...