Terri Geiser -- culinary expert, chef, lecturer, and caterer -- provides cooking know-how, tips, and hundreds of healthy, delicious recipes.
Sometimes it's hard to tell by the title what a book is all about. "Submerged -- Adventures of America's Most Elite Underwater Archeology Team" certainly sounds interesting, but I wasn't quite sure ...
With smartphones digging deeper and deeper into the digital imaging market, rugged outdoors cameras are one of the few bright spots for traditional camera manufacturer. But even they are on the ...
"Why would anyone go underwater into an uncomfortably tight squeeze, just to get into another rock chamber that goes nowhere?" That's the question Joseph Emmanual poses early on in his remarkable new ...
The Cavern Kings is a fictional story of three friends who discover their passion for diving the caverns and sinks of northern Florida. Author Jeff Bauer is a licensed NACD (National Association for ...
What do you do when you're an accomplished wreck diver and unexpectedly come across what turns out to be not a pile of rubble but an unidentified U-boat from World War II? And not only unidentified, ...