Switzerland could be open to processing asylum procedures in other countries. The Justice Minister, Beat Jans, told the ...
Education minister, Anne Hiltpold, points out Geneva hires dozens of teachers from other cartons who have had three years of ...
Far fewer people visited swimming pools this summer than in previous years. The main reason was the gloomy weather at the ...
Yesterday’s votes have finally ended a long running dispute about the affiliation of the town of Moutier in the Bernese Jura.
Voters have clearly rejected plans to protect biodiversity and to pension reform. Neither decision is a surprise. While the ...
On this edition of Swiss Up! Dario looks back the the weekend votes. All round 'noes' - except for Moutier.
His Three Daughters (Netflix) is a tense portrayal of three sisters as they navigate the late stages of their fathers death.
In this week’s McKay Interview Michael's guest is Selahattin Bilgen, the CEO of Istanbul International Airport, known as iGA ...
The twentieth Zurich Film Festival starts next month – with premiers and stars. Jude Law, Kate Winslett and Pamela Anderson ...
It’s well known that younger people don’t vote as much as their elders, but more of them are doing so. And it could start to ...
The Swiss population has passed the 9 million mark. The latest figures from the Federal Statistics Office show there ...
Geneva airport says it may, in some circumstances, pay for reinforcing roofs along the flight path which may be damaged by ...