Glencore Technology
CMP Technical Papers for Jameson Concentrator and Albion Process™ Released by Glencore Technology
Who we are - Glencore Technology
Glencore Technology is a leading provider of innovative solutions for the global mining industry. Our range of products and technologies improve the efficiency and productivity of mineral processing, leaching, smelting, and refining operations across the world.
Glencore Technology has a range of technology solutions and services suited to many applications including fine grinding technology, media addition systems suited for a variety of milling technologies, milling control systems and slurry storage systems.
IsaMill™ - Glencore Technology
The horizontal plug-flow design prevents short circuiting, provides for a reliable and easy to operate technology and delivers better results downstream to flotation and leaching performance. In short, IsaMill™ reduces the energy cost, media cost and capital cost of fine-grinding.
Jameson Cell - Glencore Technology
Jameson Cell is also an ideal technology for non-sulfide and industrial minerals in addition to reverse flotation. In short, the Jameson Cell is an efficient, low-maintenance, high-intensity flotation technology for new plants or low-cost plant expansions.
Albion Process™ - Glencore Technology
It was developed in 1994 by Glencore and is patented worldwide. The Albion Process™ plants around the world are treating a range of materials including a zinc sulphide concentrate, refractory gold/silver concentrates and chalcopyrite copper concentrates.
Jameson Concentrator - Glencore Technology
The Jameson Concentrator combines various configurations of Jameson Cell, modified and proven to process even larger volumes, and can add new generation small-footprint IsaMill™ technology where greater and precise liberation is needed.
ISASMELT™ - Glencore Technology
Glencore Technology’s ISASMELT™ provides an innovative, high intensity, yet low cost submerged lance smelting process that is simple to operate which can be used for a range of non-ferrous applications, such as copper, lead and tin, as well as recycling.
ISAKIDD™ - Glencore Technology
Long the benchmark in the industry, ISAKIDD™ accounts for over 13.6 mtpa of copper production from over 116 licensees world wide, including Glencore’s own operations. We provide clients with a comprehensive range of technology, process support and core equipment to ensure long term operational and economic success.
About - glencoretechnology.com
Our extensive operating experience combined with the latest equipment and process developments, to produce a package that allows rapid technology transfer to your operation. Glencore Technology is obligated to carry world-class technical support resources for the benefit of Glencore's operations.