GOTframe is a powerful frame generation engine. It increases productivity by automating reticle edition and enabling maximum reuse of process specific item definitions and constraints and …
The Cadence MaskCompose suite allows us to rapidly generate in a highly automated way reticles, optimized wafer maps, mask order forms, and other necessary fab documentation for …
Frame generation, wafer layout, fracture preparation, generation of jobdecks and order forms, and customized paperwork is fast and consistently correct, reducing mask-making cycle times and …
Frame generation within the Cadence MaskCompose environment is fast, automatic, and repeatedly correct. With requirements previously stored, the user can select a desired stepper …
The following schemes give details of three main steps in our proposed MFMLMPR design flow: (1) schedule-aware project partitioning with multi-flow embedding, (2) multi-frame reticle …
This guide will introduce reticle design concepts for use on the AS200 stepper, and will explain the basic concepts of reticle management and global alignment. The information required for CAD …
Frame Generation We create scribes for steppers, scanners and aligners. With your input, we place fine/coarse wafer alignment marks, search marks, process monitors, KLA marks and CD …
Reticle engineering is the process that can include frame generation, stepper optimization for speed or yield and the addition of reticle alignment marks, titles and barcodes. Digidat has …
Reticle data and reticle-related data must be delivered in a standardized method at each interface. Reticle data and reticle-related data must be defined clearly in their contents.
Instead, a mask containing a single die, called a PG reticle, is created using pattern generation. This is made almost the same way as a regular PG mask, except the design on the reticle is …