Can feral pigeons mate with wood pigeons? — Digital Spy
Oct 25, 2010 · In other words, can a feral pigeon be a wood pigeon's Lover? Coo. 0. Anachrony Posts: 2,757. Forum Member ...
Feral Pigeon Nuisance — Digital Spy
Dec 18, 2020 · About two years ago we bought a bird table and the garden birds enjoyed it very much. But fast toward a year and the feral pigeons have all but taken over the garden. I stopped putting food out about three weeks ago hoping if there’s no food they’ll move on but no such look I’m afraid ☹️. I don’t know what to do.
Feral Pigeon Nuisance - Page 2 — Digital Spy
Ah thanks I've stopped putting bird seed on the ground as the fat pigeons eat the lot like pneumatic drills. I've now had to dangle my bird feeder over my fence so that any seeds that drop fall into the canal on the other side rather than on my path as I had rats come.
Im getting charges from Zettle on my bank statement?
Apr 12, 2023 · They tend to be used a lot by coffee shops, cafes, street food vendors and market stall holders, and especially suitable for contactless transactions as typically they will be for lower values i.e. below the current £100 limit.
The Casualty Thread (Spoilers) (Part 6) — Digital Spy
I have grown to like Jacob much more now he isn’t bending steel pipes with his bare hands and bellowing ‘Connie’ like sixty feral beasts driving at speed through the Welsh countryside. Now he’s a decent nurse and a rather lovely father to Blake. As long as they don’t make him back into He Man, I can put up with him and Connie together.