Inoculate Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of INOCULATE is to introduce immunologically active material (such as an antibody or antigen) into especially in order to treat or prevent a disease. How to use inoculate in a …
INOCULATE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
INOCULATE definition: 1. to give a weak form of a disease to a person or animal, usually by injection, as a protection…. Learn more.
INOCULATE | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
INOCULATE meaning: 1. to give a weak form of a disease to a person or animal, usually by injection, as a protection…. Learn more.
Inoculation - Wikipedia
Inoculation is the act of implanting a pathogen or other microbe or virus into a person or other organism. It is a method of artificially inducing immunity against various infectious diseases.
Inoculate - definition of inoculate by The Free Dictionary
To introduce a serum, vaccine, or antigenic substance into (the body of a person or animal), especially to produce or boost immunity to a specific disease. 2. To communicate a disease to …
Inoculate - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - Vocabulary.com
If you inoculate someone, you try to make him immune to a disease by injecting a little dose of it, so his body can make antibodies to fight it off. When you were little you probably got a vaccine …
INOCULATE Definition & Meaning - Dictionary.com
to implant (a disease agent or antigen) in a person, animal, or plant to produce a disease for study or to stimulate disease resistance. to affect or treat (a person, animal, or plant) in this manner. …
INOCULATE definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
INOCULATE definition: to introduce (the causative agent of a disease) into the body of (a person or animal), in... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
INOCULATE - Definition & Translations | Collins English Dictionary
To inoculate a person or animal means to inject a weak form of a disease into their body as a way of protecting them against the disease.
Inoculate | definition of inoculate by Medical dictionary
To introduce the agent of a disease or other antigenic material into the subcutaneous tissue or a blood vessel, or through an abraded or absorbing surface for preventive, curative, or …