Do you have recommendations for sectioning TMAs for Xenium? - 10X Genomics
Answer: Tissue Microarrays (TMAs) are paraffin blocks that contain cylindrical cores of tissue. In general, TMAs are challenging to work with in terms of sectioning, placement, and risk of core-to-core cross-talk. TMAs are compatible with Xenium as …
Xenium In Situ for FFPE - Tissue Preparation Guide - Official 10x ...
Aug 12, 2024 · Best practices for handling tissue samples and Xenium slides before and after sectioning. Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) staining to check tissue quality. Sectioning practice and region of interest selection. Sectioning of tissue samples …
Do you have recommendations for sectioning skin for Xenium? - 10X Genomics
Answer: The Xenium v1 Human Gene Expression panel was designed to cover both healthy skin and cancer conditions. The following cell types are prioritized: keratinocytes (3 layers), melanocytes, fibroblast, Langerhan's cells, and vascular endothelial cells. Additional panel metadata can be found here.
Proper tissue handling and preparation techniques preserve the morphological quality of the tissue sections and the integrity of mRNA transcripts. This is critical for downstream library preparation and generation of high quality sequencing data using the Visium Spatial Gene Expression protocols.
Tissue-specific Tips and Tricks - 10x Genomics
Do you have recommendations for sectioning TMAs for Xenium?
Sample Preparation from FFPE Tissue Sections for Chromium Fixed RNA Profiling Introduction This protocol outlines how to isolate nuclei from formaldehyde fixed & paraffin embedded (FFPE) Tissue Sections for use with Chromium Fixed RNA Profiling (Gene Expression Flex) workflow. The isolated population primarily consists of nuclei
Xenium In Situ measures gene expression in tissue sections derived from either formalin fixed and paraffin embedded (FFPE) or fresh frozen (FF) tissue samples placed on Xenium Slides. This Protocol Planner provides an overview of the workflow along with the Xenium Analyzer overview.
Xenium In Situ Technical Overview | Tissue Preparation - 10x Genomics
In this video, we will provide an introduction to the Xenium In Situ Gene Expression tissue preparation demonstrated protocols. Key steps and best practices for the FFPE tissue and fresh frozen tissue demonstrated protocols will be shown …
Duke Molecular Genomics Core (MGC) - Duke University
The 10x Genomics Visium platform provides morphological context of cellular function in tissue microenvironments by incorporating total mRNA analysis of intact tissue sections. 10x Genomics has developed multiple workflows to provide flexibility for …
Sequencing-Based Spatial Transcriptomics on the 10x Genomics …
One popular platform for spatially-resolved whole transcriptome profiling is the sequencing-based 10x Genomics Visium set of assays. Visium utilizes a technology where oligonucleotides are arrayed on a special glass slide in spatially arranged dots.
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