WISER - UMass Boston
Please sign in with your full campus email address (including '@umb.edu') and password. You will need Microsoft Authenticator configured for multi-factor authentication. Some links within …
Student Help - UMass Boston
WISER allows UMass Boston students to search and register for classes, add/drop, view billing information, access grades, and more. All help documentation and videos are now located in our WISER Knowledge Base for Students .
Wiser Faq - UMass Boston
Log in with the same campus user ID and password you use for WISER. How do I search for courses? Check out our instructional videos on searching and registering for courses .
WISER Help for Faculty - UMass Boston
WISER gives you access to your class rosters and grade rosters, as long as you are listed in the Schedule of Classes as the instructor of the class. You may also view the academic record of any student for advising purposes.
Student IT Services Toolbox - UMass Boston
WISER is the student information system used by UMass Boston students, staff and faculty to manage courses, grades and student records. Students can use this system to register for courses, view current course schedules and grades.
Faq - UMass Boston
To access WISER, go to the WISER homepage and look for “WISER Log-in Links.” Click the appropriate link and log in using your UMass Boston email username and password. Note that you should not include @umb.edu when you enter your username.
Students - UMass Boston
UMass Boston offers a comprehensive suite of digital tools to enhance your academic experience. As an active student, you have access to email, calendar, Microsoft Office apps (both web-based and on your computer or iPad), and OneDrive for online file storage and collaboration.
Frequently Asked Questions - UMass Boston
Q: How do I log into WISER? If it's your first time logging into WISER. If you need help resetting your password . Q: I need help learning how to use WISER. Visit the ITS Self Service Knowledge Base and Browse WISER Student help articles
Register for Courses - UMass Boston
Complete Listing of all Official UMass Boston Courses. The Course Listings page allows you to search by semester, college, and level to find details on time, location, description, professor, pre-requisites, and more. Active students should use the course search icon inside their WISER accounts to see what is being offered. You can easily add ...
Current Students - UMass Boston
College life is more than just going to class. UMass Boston's student services and activities are here to support you—academically, socially, and in all walks of life. Quick Links. Blackboard Canvas Webmail WISER. Academic Calendar; Academic Catalog; Advising; Bursar; Course Finder; Degree Audit; Grades; Information Technology (IT) OneStop ...